J SELECT Magazine 10月号

誌名: J SELECT Magazine 10月号

創刊: ビジネスワールド
発売日: 2006年09月25日

価格: 650円





14 ボイス: ドナルド・リチー〜孤高のオブザーバー
18 アート: 外国人アーティストが創るヌーベル・マンガ
22 テック: 進化するデジタルカメラ
28 ソサイエティー: 本物より美味しい!?食品サンプル
30 デザイン: トウキョウ・デザイン・ウィーク2006
36 トラベル: 自然豊かな歴史都市〜福岡
■Sponsored Section■
54 エクゼクティブ・ホテル特集: 秋を満喫できる、
54 フィットネス特集: 涼しい秋こそ体をシェイプアップするのに
■Every Month■
06 カレンダー・ハイライト 弊誌エディター選出によるお勧めアート情報
32 フィルム 新着映画情報を独自の切り口で迫る
40 フィルム 東京近郊にあるアート・ハウス・プロジェクト
43 カレンダー 国内 全国の舞台/アート/祭り等各種イベント情報
46 ミュージック 最新のミュージックシーン
49 ギグ・ガイド 最新音楽ライヴ&コンサート情報
56 ジャパノロジー サムライの魂 刀を磨く
57 スポーツ F1日本グランプリ
59 ゴルフ グリーンでのボールの運び方
60 ブック
61 コミュニティー
62 掲示板
63 イート&ドリンク
66 ディレクトリー
70 ウエブ・リンク
72 ボイス: ドナルド・リチー(日本語訳)
74 20Q/定期購読のご案内
14 Voice: Independent Observer
Donald Richie has spent almost six decades in Tokyo
observing the best and worst that modern Japan has to offer.
While learning a great deal about the country and its people,
his succinct observations appear to have perhaps taught him
a lot more about himself. Story by Thomasina Larkin.
Portraits by David Stetson.
18 Art: Artists in Residence
Foreign comic artists are drawing plenty of inspiration
from their local environment, writes Oscar Johnson.
22 Tech: Focal Point
Wanting to buy a digital camera but don’t quite know
where to start? Haru Maki tests the latest generation
of models available on the market and discovers the answer
primarily depends on your ultimate needs.
28 Society: Plastic Fantastic
Brett Bull investigates the intricacies involved in
creating Japan’s ubiquitous replica food models.
30 Design: Tokyo Design Week 2006
Hordes of designers are expected to descend on Tokyo
between October 31 and November 15 to participate in the city’s
three biggest annual design events.
36 Travel: View to a Thrill
Despite its blue-chip historical credentials, Fukuoka
presents a strikingly modern face to the visitor.
Story & photos by Stephen Mansfield.
■Sponsored Section■
54 Executive Hotels: Par Excellence
Tokyo offers a plethora of accommodation options,
with choices ranging from basic capsule hotels to
some of the most exclusive lodgings in the world.
In this issue, we profile a few of the more
exquisite hotels on offer.
54 Fitness: Shape Up or Ship Out
Keep in shape this autumn at one of the recommended
fitness facilities featured in this magazine.
■Every Month■
06 Calendar: Nota Bene
Bill Viola’s first restrospective in Asia;
Pink Ribbon
08 Calendar: Nota Bene
2006Masterpieces from The Picture Gallery of
the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
32 Film
Ben Olah runs his critical eye over the latest releases
to hit the silver screen: Nacho Libre, Murderball,
The Squid and the Whale, 16 Blocks, Ellie Parker,
Birth, Capote, United 93
40 Space: On a Wing and a...
A butterfly inadvertently stumbles across a true-to-life
art house project near Tokyo
43-45 Calendar: Listings
What’s on when near you
46 Music
Ben Olah chews the fat with Yo La Tengo;
This month’s essential soundz; Sonar Sound 2006
49 Gig Guide
Nationwide concert listings
56 Japanology: The Sharp End
The art of sword polishing
57 Sport: Wheels of Thunder
Japanese Grand Prix (Formula One)
59 Golf: The Final Touch
Tips to improve your short game
60 Books
61 Community
62 Bulletin Board
63 Eat & Drink
66 Directory
70 Web Links
72 Voice (translated in Japanese)
74 20Q
74 Subscription

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