J SELECT Magazine 12月号

誌名: J SELECT Magazine 12月号

創刊: ビジネスワールド
発売日: 2006年11月25日

価格: 650円





14 トラベル:トラベルフォトの美学
20 ヘルス: 東洋医学で病を予防する
24 クリスマス: 冬のホリデイ、冬のお出かけ
26 クリスマス: サンタクロース、日本に現る
28 クリスマス: 奉仕の精神
30 クリスマス: 自宅にレストランの味を
36 ボイス: 押尾コータロー〜カラフルコード
■Sponsored Section■
54 ホテルで過ごすラグジュアリーなクリスマス
■Every Month■
06 カレンダー ハイライト 幣誌エディター選出によるお勧めアート情報
34 ジャパノロジー 和紙への誘い
43 カレンダー 国内 全国の舞台/アート/祭り等各種イベント情報
46 フィルム 新着映画情報にJ SELECT独自の切り口で迫る
50 ミュージック 最新のミュージックシーン
52 ギグ・ガイド 最新音楽ライヴ&コンサート情報
53 スポーツ フットボールフィーバー FIFA Club World Cup 2006
59 ブック
60 コミュニティー
61 フォト
63 イート&ドリンク
66 ディレクトリー
70 ウエブ・リンク
72 ボイス: 押尾コータロー(日本語訳)
74 20Q / 定期購読のご案内
14 Travel: The Liquid Eye
Peerless travel writer Stephen Mansfield
explores the delicate art of travel photography.
All images photographed by the author.
20 Health: The Power of Healing
Traditional Oriental medicine provides a holistic
approach to therapy that concentrates on preventing
sickness instead of remedying symptoms. With the long
march of winter tapping at the door, Benjamin Freeland
looks into four age-old Japanese treatments that could
help you avoid falling foul of a bug, virus or other nasty
over the next few months.
24 Xmas: Happening Holidays
Most people living in Tokyo become overwhelmed by
feelings of cabin fever every once and while. So if
you’re feeling a little down in the mouth, perhaps
give the following excursions a try. Ivy Emerson reports…
26 Xmas: Densha Santa
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a bona fide
Santa Claus in Japan? Thomasina Larkin finds out…
28 Xmas: The Gift of Giving
While you furiously throw wrapping paper around
the last of your Xmas presents, stop for a minute
and spare a thought for those less fortunate than yourself.
30 Xmas: Deals on Wheels
Ivy Emerson discovers a wide range of goods and services
that can be delivered right to your front door.
32 Xmas: Sparkle That Shines
With the holiday season just around the corner,
cellarmaster J.K. Whelehan discusses the beverage
that lies behind all great celebrations – champagne.
36 Voice: Colorful Chords
With the recent release of his new album entitled
Color of Life, acoustic guitar virtuoso Kotaro Oshio
paints the world with his lush melodies and slick strumming
techniques, writes Jim Hand-Cukierman. Interview conducted,
transcribed and translated by Kayo Yamawaki.
■Sponsored Section■
54 Tis the Season to be Jolly
A selection of the best Christmas promotions on offer
in Tokyo over the festive season
■Every Month■
06 Calendar: Glimpse art from Down Under;
East meets West in Tokyo; Illuminations;
Messages in Glass; The Nutcracker
34 Japanology: Hot to Trot
With the days growing shorter, it’s time to forget
about summer and enjoy the best that winter has to offer – hot sake
43 Event Listings: What’s on when near you
46 Film: Ben Olah runs his critical eye over the latest
releases to hit the silver screen
50 Music: Little Barrie, Rancid & CD reviews
52 Gig Guide: Nationwide concert listings
53 Sport: Football Fever
Six of the world’s best clubs clash in the FIFA Club World Cup 2006
59 Books
60 Community
61 Photo
63 Eat & Drink
66 Directory
70 Web Links
72 Voice (translated in Japanese)
74 20Q/Subscription

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