J SELECT Magazine 2月号

誌名: J SELECT Magazine 2月号

創刊: ビジネスワールド
発売日: 2007年01月25日

価格: 650円





14 ボイス:山本貴志さん〜ピアノ貴公子
18 ファッション: 英国風ファッションの今
22 カルチャー: 精進料理のもたらすもの
27 トピック: 通信教育の現在
30 テック: ブログで拡がる世界
32 ジャパノロジー: 節分について
34 マツリ: 白銀の雪のお祭りに出かけよう
36 ウィークエンド: パウダースノーを満喫しよう
■Sponsored Section■
54 エデュケーション: 日本語学校&インターナショナルスクール特集
■Every Month■
06 カレンダー 幣誌エディター選出によるお勧めアート情報
46 フィルム 新着映画情報にJ SELECT独自の切り口で迫る
50 ミュージック 最新のミュージックシーン/ライヴ&コンサート情報
53 スポーツ スーパーボウル2007
59 ブック
60 コミュニティー
61 フォト
63 イート&ドリンク
66 ディレクトリー
70 ウエブ・リンク
72 ボイス: 山本貴志さん(日本語訳)
74 20Q / 定期購読のご案内
14 Voice: Piano Prince
Piano virtuoso Takashi Yamamoto hits all
the right notes in his bid to take classical
music to the masses, writes Manami Okazaki.
All images courtesy of Concert Imagine.
18 Fashion: Cool Britannia
Japanese fashionistas have been attracted by
the clean lines and urban street smarts of
British designers for the past two decades or so.
With the official launch of another recognized
British label this month, the best of British
just keeps getting better. Jon Day reports...
22 Culture: Food for the Soul
The traditional cuisine of Buddhism, shojin ryori,
is meant for greater things than just pleasing our
palates. As Kayo Yamawaki and Jim Hand-Cukierman
discover, it can quench the spirit as much as it
satisfies the appetite. Photographs by Kayo Yamawaki.
27 Topic: Distance Learning
Want to add some more oomph to your education arsenal
but do not know enough Japanese to study at a local
tertiary institution? Suzanne Kamata discovers
that many overseas programs can be studied from
the comfort of your own home.
30 Tech: Tap Into Potential
Thomasina Larkin discovers that you don’t have
to be a computer geek to benefit from setting up
and maintaining an online diary.
32 Japanology: Full of Beans
James Sycamore examines an annual festival in
which participants are encouraged to get a
little scatter-brained.
34 Matsuri: Snow Bound
Ivy Emerson digs out her winter mittens, scarf
and woolen hat in preparation for three unique
snow festivals that are held in various parts of
Japan in February.
36 Weekend: Perfect Powder
Ben Matsuda discovers 10 of the best places
to carve out some winter fun in the land of
the rising sun.
■Sponsored Section■
54 Education: Laying the Foundation
Education is one of the cornerstones of a
person’s development, whether you are an
adult trying to adjust to life in another
country or a small child discovering everything
there is to know about this wonderful world.
In many ways, the learning processes of adults
and children are the same, and that is why we
have decided to focus on education in this
particular issue. Over the next few pages,
we profile a handful of recommended full-
and part-time courses that are available at
various language institutions in Tokyo, before
turning our attention further afield to nationwide
educational options that are open to parents seeking
to ensure their kids’ futures are secure.
■Every Month■
06 Calendar:
What’s on when near you
46 Film: Ben Olah runs his critical eye over the latest
releases to hit the silver screen
50 Music: Interviews, concert info & CD reviews
53 Sport: Super Bowl 2007
59 Books
60 Community
61 Photo
62 Shop
63 Eat & Drink
66 Directory
70 Web Links
72 Voice (translated in Japanese)
74 20Q/Subscription

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