J SELECT Magazine 6月号

誌名: J SELECT Magazine 6月号

創刊: ビジネスワールド
発売日: 2007年05月25日

価格: 650円





14 ウィークエンド: 日本でセーリングを楽しむ
20 トラベル: スペインで最も美しい街 グラナダ
24 ソサイエティ: 地球環境を守る為に今できること
30 カルチャー: ゴミから生まれるアート
36 ボイス: 写真家 荒木経惟
56 ハウツー: オンライン・ショッピング
57 ジャパノロジー: 富士山登山を楽しむ
■Every Month■
06 カレンダー 幣誌エディター選出によるお勧めアート情報
46 フィルム 新着映画情報にJ SELECT独自の切り口で迫る
50 ミュージック 最新のミュージックシーン/ライヴ&コンサート情報
54 スポーツ アメリカズ・カップ
59 ビューティー
60 コミュニティー
61 フォト
62 ブック
63 イート&ドリンク
66 ディレクトリー
70 ウエブ・リンク
72 ボイス: 写真家 荒木経惟(日本語訳)
74 20Q / 定期購読のご案内
☆June/July 2007☆
14 Weekend: Sailing Away
Japan is an island nation and yet sailing
receives scant attention here compared to
other seafaring countries in the world.
Sail Japan editor Crispin Moorey takes the
helm over the next few pages and takes a look
at what is required for those wishing to spend
their weekends on the water
20 Travel: Phantoms of Granada
Poet Laurie Lee once described Granada as
”probably the most beautiful and haunting
of all Spanish cities: an African paradise
set under the Sierras like a rose preserved
in snow.” Stephen Mansfield, however, discovers
that this beauty did not come without cost.
24 Society: Second Coming
Environmentalism is the name of the game
these days, thanks to the tireless work of
activists to spread word. Jim Hand-Cukierman
and Kayo Yamawaki explore whether or not human
beings have finally caught on to saving planet.
30 Culture: Second Back
An artistic duo discovers imaginative ways to
breathe new life into found objects, writes
Robert Cameron.
36 Voice: Stepping Back
Nobuyoshi Araki is certainly no stranger to
controversy, and the dynamic photographer
has spent much of his colorful career flirting
with authorities over his ”questionable” artistic
material. Having pushed the boundaries of art to
its limits, however, Araki is now content to approach
new projects with a newfound sense of prudence.
Written by Manami Okazaki. All photos by Nobuyoshi
56 How to: Online Shopping
Finding imported products you are familiar with
is one of the most difficult aspects of living in
Japan, especially if you live outside one of the
main centers. Thomasina Larkin discovers that a
wide range of items can actually be ordered online.
57 Japanology: Rising to the Challenge
Jon Day explains the ups and downs of scaling the
giddy heights of Japan’s revered mountain.
■Every Month■
06 Calendar:
What’s on when near you
46 Film: Ben Olah runs his critical eye over the latest
releases to hit the silver screen
50 Music: Interviews, concert info & CD reviews
54 Sport: Changing Tack
Tacking duels become a regular sight off the
coast of Valencia as the world’s best yachting
crews battle it out in their quest to win the
oldest trophy in international sport - the America’s Cup
59 Beauty
60 Community
61 Photo
62 Books
63 Eat & Drink
66 Directory
70 Web Links
72 Voice (translated in Japanese)
74 20Q/Subscription

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