J SELECT Magazine 8月号

誌名: J SELECT Magazine 8月号

創刊: ビジネスワールド
発売日: 2007年07月25日

価格: 650円





14 ボイス: 北島康介
20 カルチャー: 東京の下町を歩く
24 ソサイエティ: 町興しに命をかける
28 トピック: 夏はビールの季節
36 ウィークエンド: ウォータースポーツを満喫しよう
54 レジャー: クルージングを楽しむ
■Every Month■
06 カレンダー 幣誌エディター選出によるお勧めアート情報
34 ジャパノロジー お祭りだ!踊ろう!
46 フィルム 新着映画情報にJ SELECT独自の切り口で迫る
50 ミュージック 最新のミュージックシーン/ライヴ&コンサート情報
53 スポーツ 世界陸上大阪大会
59 ビューティー
60 ブック
61 フォト
62 掲示板
63 イート&ドリンク
66 ディレクトリー
70 ウエブ・リンク
72 ボイス: 北島康介(日本語訳)
74 20Q / 定期購読のご案内
☆August/September 2007☆
14 Voice: Hungry For Success
Swimming sensation Kosuke Kitajima captured
the imagination of an entire nation at the
2004 Olympic Games in Athens after failing
to contain his excitement upon winning a gold
medal in the 100-meter breaststroke final.
On the sidelines of training in the lead-up to
an international swimming meet, the young star
tells Chris Cushing he is still hungry for
success...and a few other things, besides.
Additional reporting by Maiko Sugiura.
20 Culture: A Walk On The Slow Side
Stephen Mansfield meanders around Shitamachi
for half day to experience a slice of life in
Tokyo as it was in days gone by.
24 Society: The Rescuer
Faced with declining populations and increasing
numbers of elderly, rural towns throughout Japan
are struggling to keep afloat. Carol Hui visits
a flourishing fishing village in Kagoshima and
discovers the solution isn’t related to demographics
at all - it all boils down to a question of identity.
28 Topic: Summer Suds
Beer could be easily be called the official drink
of Japan, with consumption numbers far surpassing
those of other alcohols. With high summer breathing
down our necks, Jim Hand-Cukierman explores diverging
trends in the nation’s beer industry and highlights
some of the best places to sip a cold one.
Additional reporting by Kayo Yamawaki.
36 Weekend: Wet Wet Wet
With summer vacation looming, there’s no better time
to start thinking of various ways to get wet behind
the ears, writes Chris Cushing, Additional reporting
by Maiko Sugiura.
54 Leisure: Cruise Through Summer
Escape the drudgery of office life in Japan by
spending a day on the water in Tokyo Bay.
■Every Month■
06 Calendar:
What’s on when near you
34 Japanology: Let’s Dance
James Sycamore stumbles across an frienzied form of
line dancing in Japan that encourages participants
to get down and shake a leg.
46 Film: Ben Olah runs his critical eye over the latest
releases to hit the silver screen
50 Music: Interviews, concert info & CD reviews
53 Sport: Faster, Farther, Higher
The best athletes on this planet clash in Osaka this
monthas the world championships in athletics makes a
welcome return to Japan. James Sycamore reports...
59 Beauty
60 Books
61 Photo
62 Bulletin
63 Eat & Drink
66 Directory
70 Web Links
72 Voice (translated in Japanese)
74 20Q/Subscription

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