J SELECT Magazine 1月号

誌名: J SELECT Magazine 1月号

創刊: ビジネスワールド
発売日: 2008年12月25日

価格: 650円





14 ヘルス: メタボリック症候群
18 2008年気になるニュース
26 ダイニング: 年越しそばを食べよう
36 トラベル:一万年の歴史ある三重
52 ソサイエティー:麻生太郎氏とバラック・オバマ氏
■Sponsored Section■
56 リビング・イン・ジャパン特集
■Every Month■
06 カレンダー 幣誌エディター選出によるお勧めアート情報
08 トレンド 最新のファッションと人気のプロダクトに迫る
30 ジャパノロジー 川越の城下町を訪ねよう
34 スポーツ アイスホッケーを楽しもう
46 フィルム 新着映画情報にJ SELECT独自の切り口で迫る
50 ミュージック 最新のミュージックシーン/ライヴ&コンサート情報
59 ビューティー
60 ブック
61 フォト
62 掲示板
63 イート&ドリンク
66 ディレクトリー
70 ウエブ・リンク
72 2008年気になるニュース(日本語訳)
74 20Q / 定期購読のご案内
☆January 2009/February 2009☆
14 Health: Metaboli
As the Western influence of fast food caught on in
Japan the nation’s waistline expanded. Now Japan faces
a generation of overeaters. by Skye Hohmann
18 2008 Year In Review
We take a look back at some of the most important high-
lights that shaped the previous and paved the way for
the surprises coming our way in 2009.
26 Dining: Year End Soba
The end of the year in Japan is literally filled with
various traditions but none held more close than that
of eating soba with friends. by James Souilliere
36 Travel: Mie, Japan
Writer by Stephen Mansfield takes us on a journey
into the 10,000 year old history of Mie, Japan, a place
in which mystery and paradox is commonplace.
52 Society: Taro Aso & Barack Obama
With the recent election of Taro Aso as Prime Minister of Japan
and Barack Obama as President of the United States, the
world’s two leading economies will struggle to jointly
map out a future of prosperity and innovation in the face
of terrorism and financial tumult. by Rob Goss
■Sponsored Section■
56 Living In Japan Special
Moving to Japan is not an action for the faint heart.
Luckily, we have all the information those new to Japan
as well as veterans might need to succeed.
■Every Month■
04 Calendar:
What’s on when near you
08 Trends
A new section where we expose the latest fashions and
products you need.
30 Japanology: Kawagoe
The creepy and sometimes funny statues of Rakan are not
only a piece of history but a great work of Japanese art.
34 Sport: Hockey
If you don’t get in on the winter action by skiing you
are truly missing out. This story will point the way towards
46 Film: Ben Olah runs his critical eye over the latest
releases to hit the silver screen
50 Music: Interviews, concert info & CD reviews
59 Beauty
60 Books
61 Photo
62 Bulletin
63 Eat & Drink
66 Directory
70 Web Links
72 2008 Review (translated in Japanese)
74 20Q/Subscription

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