ニューズウィーク英語版 Newsweek Feb 01 2010

誌名: ニューズウィーク英語版 Newsweek Feb 01 2010

創刊: ニューズウィーク・インターナショナル
発売日: 2010年01月26日

価格: 840円



ニューズウィークは毎週、揺れ動く世界の政治、経済を始め、科 学、芸術、スポーツ、ファッションにいたるまで、グローバルな視点から捕えた幅広い分野の最新情報を満載。 世界の今を洗練された現代英語で伝えます。週を追うごとにあなたの視野を広げ、時代をとらえる国際的な知性が養われるでしょう。 新世紀を迎え、さらにお得になった定期講読でお役立てください。


Cover Strory:
Change We Can Believe In
Fareed Zakaria
Cheap, Cheap, Cheap
Daniel McGinn
The Fight Over 羨llah・
Malaysia’s delicate balance is at risk.
Ioannis Gatsiounis
Does He Believe In Magic?
Allison Samuels
Alone in a Crowd
Why Obama’s cool comes off as cold.
Jacob Weisberg
High-Court Hypocrisy
Dick Durbin’s got a good idea.
Jonathan Alter
China’s $2.4 Trillion Stash
Why the RMB won’t replace the dollar.
Robert J. Samuelson
The Case Against Settling
Don’t blame feminism for bad dates.
Julia Baird
The End of Restraint
Alito, Roberts, and judicial modesty.
Stuart Taylor Jr.
The Trouble with Barack
Obama is accused of being too radical, but he’s been governing from the middle for a year.
So why all the anger? Because he’s leading with his head, not his heart.
Jon Meacham
Change We Can Believe In
It’s time for the president to stop legislating and start leading.
Fareed Zakaria
Ask More of Us, Mr. President
The man who mobilized a generation must now issue marching orders.
Louisa Thomas
The Return of the Neocons
Neoconservatism was once deemed dead・Buried in the sands of Iraq.’
But it persists, not just as the de facto foreign-policy plank of the Republican Party but, its proponents assert,
in Obama’s unapologetic embrace of American military might.
David Margolick
Is The Tea Party Over?
The anti-Obama anger that helped fuel the ’Massachusetts miracle’ is now threatening to tear the movement apart.
Joe Scarborough
Enough Is Enough
Why we can no longer remain on the sid
Richard N. Haass
May the Best Theory Win
How economists are competing to make sense of our failed financial system.
Rana Foroohar
All Pain, No Gain
Seth Colter Walls
The End Is Near
Joshua Alston
Fleeing Monticello
Donald Graham

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