TIME(タイム) 11/30号

誌名: TIME(タイム) 11/30号

創刊: タイム・インク
発売日: 2009年11月24日

価格: 840円





ISSUE DATE: November 30, 2009
Banking on Trees
How investing in the world’s forests
can help save the planet
In this issue:-
The Well
- Talking with the Taliban ・The quickest way out of Afghanistan might be
through dialogue with the enemy
- The Fall of Greg Craig ・Obama’s recently resigned White House counsel
discovers the difficulty of keeping campaign promises
- Curious Capitalist ・Justin Fox on the surprising comeback of the market cycle
- Berlusconi’s Beauties ・How the Italian Prime Minister and media mogul uses
women to wield power and influence
- Viewpoint ・China and America need each other now more than ever
- Knock on Wood ・In the battle against climate change, hopes are pinned on a
far-flung swath of Indonesian jungle
- Living Dangerously ・On the first anniversary of the Mumbai attacks, India’s
cities are no safer
Global Business
- Economy ・The growth of China’s long-overlooked west will boost domestic
consumption and may even help stabilize the world economy
- Marketing ・Why ad agencies aren’t just selling other people’s products but
creating their own
- Books ・Nabokov’s The Original of Laura, a novel in fragments
- Movies ・A guide to Asia’s offbeat film festivals
- Music ・Indonesia’s hottest diva
- Books ・The Word according to R. Crumb
Global Adviser
- Great Outdoors ・Swimming with whale sharks in Mozambique

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