Reader’s Digest English Asian Edition(リーダーズダイジェスト) January 2011

誌名: Reader’s Digest English Asian Edition(リーダーズダイジェスト) January 2011

創刊: Reader’s Digest Asia
発売日: 2011年01月05日

価格: 870円



平易で良質な英文を特徴とするReader’s Digest。 セレブへのインタビュー、医療の最前線リポートや 市井の人々の英雄的な行為などをカバーする記事は、 人間を温かく見つめるヒューマニズムを基調としてお ります。 創刊以来、世界中の人々に読みつがれてきた文章は、 英語を学ぶ者にとって最高のテキストといえるでしょう。


New Rules for a New You
Emerging information that is changing all the rules about fitness, body shapes and eating right
Amazing Pets & Their Awesome Tricks
A surfing dog, a heroic cat and a dog that has saved its owner''s life numerous times - just a few of the remarkable animal tales
Flood of the Century
Imran Khan shares his thoughts on the devastating flood the country recently suffered and his hopes for the future

Assassin in the Water
A family races to save their young daughter''s life after an outing at the local river goes terrifyingly wrong
A Balinese Salt Story
Follow the process of how salt is made on this Indonesian island
It Came from Where
Do you know which country harvested the first carrot or savoured the first cup of coffee?
What I want for the New Year
Lofty dreams and simple gestures - readers from around the region share their wishes for 2011
Sincerely Yours
Handwriting is a simple way of connecting with others, so why not put pen to paper?
A Labour of Love
Photographer Anne Geddes returns with a new book called Beginnings
The Happiest Man in the World
Meet the man who has been proven to be the world''s most content person
12 Ways to Rein in Varicose Wein Pain
From seeking thrills to a royal throne, here are the different ways you can view chairs
In Search of Awesome
What started as a simple website to celebrate the small things in life has led to a book deal
Travel Like a Maharajah
What started as a simple website to celebrate the small things in life has led to a book deal
High Hopes for Tuberculosis - Scientists in Bangladesh have found a new way to detect the deadly disease, especially in children and HIV patients
Cold Hands, Risky Heart - A one degree Celcius drop in temperature could do hearts in
I, (Doctor) Robot
Higher Education = Lower Dementia
A Sweet Stop to Stomach Bugs

Setting Off a Chain Reaction
Four young Singaporean women use their love for sport and adventure to help the underprivileged.

Learning one way to deal with tragedy
Tropical Sweet Potato Fries

Wine: Pairing Sweet with Savoury
Food: Stocking up on Soup Basics
Tech: Hottest Tech Stories of 2010 and the Pacesetters in the New Year
Movies: The Green Hornet
Humour: Calling for Cabs

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